Just create your own
Blockchain in just 5min. Follow these simple steps or watch video if you face
any issue while creating Blockchain.
1: Create
account on www.aws.com or Login, If you don’t
know how to create AWS for Free watch this video:
2: GO in
search tab and type - EC2 (Search it, we
need EC2 to create virtual machine so that our Blockchain can run smoothly 24*7)
and then Click on it.
3: Now click
on Launch Instance.
4: Now Select
Ubuntu as OS, bcoz we are going to create it on Ubuntu OS and let all the
setting default (Free tier setting)
5: Next scroll
down and click on Create Instance.
6: Now
connect it with your laptop. Watch video how to connect.
7: These are
the commands that you need to create Blockchain.
sudo su
cd /tmp
wget https://www.multichain.com/download/multichain-2.3.tar.gz
tar –xvzf multichain-2.3.tar.gz
cd multichain-2.3
mv multichaind
mutlichain-cli multichain-util /usr/local/bin
multichain-util create
Hash is Created.
Now, we are going log into our Blockchain.
Now you Logged in your Blockchain.
Getblockchainparams ( To
see parameter of your Blockchain )
Getinfo ( To see Info of
Blockchain like Burn address )
Now we are going to create our own address with public and private keys